2024 CCHRCO Winter Workshop
2025 Winter Workshop: Building Blocks to Success
Charleston, SC
February 2-4, 2025
Hotel Room Reservations
Emeline Hotel
181 Church Street
Charleston, SC 29401
Room Reservations Phone:864-598-6010
Group Code: CCHRCO
Cut Off for Room Reservations is January 10, 2025
Check-In Time: 4:00 PM
Check-Out Time: 11:00 AM
Room Rates: Based on single-double occupancy, room rate $209
There is an additional charge of 13% tax per day.
Parking is $53.00 for Valet and $25 for self-parking per night.
Training Topics:
Course #1: Management & HR/Recruiting and Hiring Best Practices/Employee Development
Elizabeth Brackett, Brackett HR
On Monday and Tuesday, Burnetta and Jack Smith, Smith Management Solutions, LLC, will present "The Root System of Your Customer Service," an effective and fun session that addresses a multitude of issues that are often avoided in the workplace. Issues such as ...gossip, personality conflicts, dishonesty, poor communication, employee morale and poor interactions with tenants and coworkers, to name a few.
It is no secret that how an employee feels about their work and place of employment is a clear reflection of daily customer service. It should come as no surprise that the quality of service delivered by staff can make or break your agency's reputation. If you are truly serious about dealing with real issues public organizations experience with internal and external customers, then this is the right now session for you to attend. Participants will "dig" below the surface to understand the real issues.
"When They Forget to Love Thy Neighbor or Coworker"
Smith Management will close out on Tuesday morning with this thought-provoking session. Conflict is a natural part of life...co-workers will clash, neighbors will clash, disagreements are bound to happen...CONFLICT can have a major impact on the overall experience of working on any job or living in any community. It is important for management and coworkers to understand their role in resolving conflict...can you help bring the situation to a peaceful resolution? Should you be a referee, referral agent or enforcer. The interactive session will cover skills and techniques needed to assist in resolving many issues faced by housing professionals with both employees and tenants.
Course #2: Maintenance - Emergency Preparedness, Fire Safety, and Infectious Disease
Captain Jonathan Wright, Lenoir Fire Department
On Monday and Tuesday, Captain Jonathan Wright of the Lenoir, NC Fire Department will present training for maintenance and any other PHA staff interested in Emergency Preparedness, Fire Safety, and Infectious Disease. The best way to deal with emergencies is to be prepared with a well-defined plan. Although we can't predict what events will happen or when, Maintenance departments will receive informative ideas to be prepared and take action when necessary. Also, safety is key in any maintenance plan. Come and learn fire safety to protect staff and residents. Captain Wright will also discuss the important topic of infectious diseases and how it may impact your maintenance program.
Course #3 Morning Session: Section 3 Updates
Susan Ellinger, Ellinger & Carr, PLLC
On Monday morning, Susan Ellinger of Ellinger and Carr PLLC will discuss The HUD required Section 3.... this program requires recipients of HUD funding, to the greatest extent feasible, to direct employment, training, and contracting opportunities to low-income individuals and the businesses that employ these persons within their community. Susan will give an overview of the HUD program and provide information on recent updates. This session will help Executive Directors and other staff understand this requirement and implement a plan to comply.
Course #4 Afternoon Session: Human Resources - "I Need a Mental Health Day"
Lindsey K Hill, M. Ed., LPC & Calvin D. Armerding, MA, LPC, Travelers Rest Counseling Associates
Lindsey Hill and Calvin Armerding with Travelers Rest Counseling Associates will present this essential training session for Executive Directors and staff.
Many professional workspaces are moving toward affording team members "Mental Health Days" to help attend to the psychosocial stressors that can impact work performance. While this is admirable (and overdue), organizations have struggled to articulate what a "Mental Health Day" actually is (or is not!). This workshop will define mental health, review research on what helps people to flourish, and articulate a process by which organizations and their team members can design scientifically supported, individually focused Mental Health Days. These designs will result in improved health, reduced callouts, increased productivity, and meaningful contributions.
Bonus Course #5: HUD's 2-Year Tool
Debbie Dusenbury, HUD Portfolio Management Specialist - HUD Field Office, Columbia, SC
2023 CCHRCO Winter Workshop Agenda
Sunday, February 5, 2023
- 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM: Board Meeting - Room: Studio 220 @ NOMA A
- 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM: Registration
Monday, February 6, 2023
- 7:00 AM until 8:00 AM: Breakfast (Provided by CCHRCO) Location Studio 220 @NOMA A
- 7:30 AM until 9:30 AM: Registration
- 8:30 AM until 10:00 AM: Course #1 - Customer Service @ Teal Ballroom
- 8:30 AM until 10:00 AM: Course #2 - Maintenance @ Studio 220 BC
- 8:30 AM until 10:00 AM: Course #3 - Section 3 @ Redbud
- 10:00 AM until 10:15 AM: Break
- 10:15 AM until 11:45 AM: Course #1 - Customer Service @ Teal Ballroom
- 10:15 AM until 11:45 AM: Course #2 - Maintenance @ Studio 220 BC
- 10:15 AM until 11:45 AM: Course #3 - Section 3 @ Redbud
- 12:00 noon until 1:15 PM: Luncheon- Studio 220 @ NOMA A- Name Badge Required
- 1:30 PM until 3:00 PM: Course #1 - Customer Service continued
- 1:30 PM until 3:00 PM: Course #2 - Maintenance continued
- 1:30 PM until 3:00 PM: Course #4 -Human Resources: "I Need a Mental Health Day"
- 3:00 Pm until 3:15 PM: Break
- 3:15 PM until 5:00 PM: Course #1 - Customer Service continued
- 3:15 PM until 5:00 PM: Course #2 - Maintenance continued
- 3:15 PM until 5:00 PM: Course #4 - Human Resources: "I Need a Mental Health Day"
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
- 6:30 AM until 9:30 AM: Breakfast (Provided by CCHRCO) Location Studio 220 @NOMA A
- 8:30 AM until 10:30 AM: Course #1 - Customer Service "When They Forget to Love Thy Neighbor or Coworker"
- 8:30 AM until 10:30 AM: Course #2 - Maintenance continued
- 8:30 AM until 10:30 AM: Course #5 - HUD's 2-Year Tool
Workshop Ends
Have a safe trip home, and we'll see you in Asheville, NC, May 21-23, for the Spring Workshop!