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If you would like CCHRCO to include your Procurement Bids/Proposals on the CCHRCO website, please email the URL link to your bids/proposals posting (from your website) to Please make sure your bids/proposals posting includes instructions on how to receive the full bid/proposal.

If you have any questions about utilizing the website please email us via the "contact us" section of the website: For more information, please email Michael Dineen.

Bid/Proposals will be removed once they expire.

Current Bid/Proposal Invitations From Housing Agencies:

Portions of the website are secure. All member agencies that have signed the Code of Ethics and Rules documents and are current dues-paid members of Carolinas Council will be provided with a username and a password. If you have problems with your username or password, please click here.

Rules require member agencies to report any usage of the CPC Program. You may fax a copy of the purchase order or contract to the CPC Committee at 252.795.3134, email the information to CPC Committee, or use the reporting link on the website.


  • The Consolidate Purchasing Consortium Committee serves as a bidding agent. All qualified bids are provided to the member housing authorities. Each authority must follow their respective procurement policy in utilizing the bids provided through the CPC Program. We stress that each Authority should follow its Board-Adopted Procurement Procedures. We recommend that each Authority amend its Procurement Policy to include a description of the CPC Program and how the Program will be used.

  • All purchase orders or contracts will be directly between the vendor and the housing authority.

  • The CPC Committee requires that all contractors bidding installed items provide valid contractor licenses at the time of bid. Each housing authority should confirm valid contractor license before a contract for an installed item is signed.

  • Housing authorities should secure insurance and bonding documents as with any other procurement activity or contract. Proof of bonding capacity is required at the time of bid but circumstances can change and each Authority is responsible for securing bonding and insurance to protect the Authority.

  • All HUD and/or state procurement/contracting requirements such as Davis Bacon compliance should be followed by the authority when utilizing the CPC Program.

  • All appropriate bid documents may be printed from the website for documentation of files. We include the executed Form HUD 5369-A in the documents provided on the website, and require bidders to submit this form. For installed items each authority should secure a Form HUD 5369-A with original signature at the time of contracting. We also recommend that the Authority print all bid summary price sheets and specification documents, the Invitation to Bid, CPC Terms and Conditions, Rules, Bid Proposal form and Non Collusive Affidavit from the website for file documentation. Failure to print and file documents can lead to future audit problems. Most often the IPA audit process for your Authority will begin after the bids on the website are updated with successive bids and the documents needed for the audit will not be available.
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