WHA Hosting Nan McKay HCV & Public Housing Rent Calculations Courses
Washington Housing Authority will host a Nan McKay HCV & Public Housing Rent Calculations Course
Tuesday, March 18 - Thursday, March 20, 2025 - 8:30 - 5 pm each day.
Training will be held at the Washington Police Department: 251 Bridge Street, Washington NC
The purpose of this training is to teach rent calculation for both the public housing and housing choice voucher programs.
The seminar has been carefully structured for combination areas to be trained together.
This is possible because both programs use essentially the same rules leading up to the final rent calculation.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of HCV and Public Housing Rent Calculation, you will understand what is included in and excluded from annual income;
how to identify and calculate income from assets, recognize and apply deductions to calculate adjusted income & calculate total tenant payment (TTP).
For those who work in the HCV program, you will also calculate the family share and housing assistance payment (HAP).
For those working in the public housing program, you will calculate tenant rent and understand flat rents.
Day One
- Read and interpret form HUD-50058 and its accompanying instructions
- Identify and calculate annual income using 24 CFR part 5, which is universal to all HUD programs
- Recognize the qualifiers for the earned income disallowance (EID), identify the exclusion periods, and calculate the disallowance
- Identify assets and calculate income from assets based on 24 CFR part 5
Day Two
- Calculate adjusted income by correctly applying the HUD-defined allowances and expenses that are universal to both programs
- Recognize the requirements for verification of income, allowances, and expenses which are identical for both programs
The agenda is below along with brief overview of the 3-day course that Nan McKay will present.
The following is a breakdown per person of the price for the course with and without the exam.
Nan Mckay will bill each agency separately for the staff who attend the course.
- Calculate the HAP and family share for an HCV family using the payment standard, utility allowance, and gross rent, or
- Calculate total tenant payment and tenant rent for a public housing family
Day Three
- Apply rent calculation skills to solve hands-on case studies
- Case studies can be completed for HCV (using section 12 of the 50058 form), public housing (using section 10 of the 50058 form), or both
Seminar #101-104
METHOD: A group-live seminar featuring PowerPoint, case studies, group discussion, course book, and Q&A
LENGTH: Three days
AUDIENCE: Occupancy and re-exam staff and supervisors
FIELD OF STUDY: Specialized Knowledge
EXAM: The certification exam is available for $175.
CREDITS: CPE units = 21, CEU units w/exam = 1.8
HCV & PH Rent Calculation Standard Price - $825 Seminar Only ($1,000.00 per person)
Onsite - send more staff & receive the following discounts
15 Participants - Seminar Only: $12,000 ($800 per person) - $975 with Exam
20 Participants - Seminar Only: $12,600 ($630 per person) - $805 with Exam
HCV & PH Rent Calculation Overview: https://shop.nanmckay.com/collections/hcv-and-public-housing-rent-calculation
Questions welcome: call WHA CEO Frank Scott ( cell ) 843-810-1578
If you have any staff members you would like to attend, email ED Frank Scott: fscott@wha-nc.org:
Agency Name, Staff member(s) name, email address(es) & which options each are signing for:
Exam Y/N; Exam option (in-person or online); Exam type (Combo HCV & PH; HCV only; PH only)